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A team of researchers from different disciplines that allows dealing with the projects from different perspectives and offer the best service to our clients.

We are a team committed to quality work that always tries to overcome the expectatives of the client. We go beyond the data to obtain significant results. We love our work!




Allow managers of companies and administrations to take decisions with a lower degree of uncertainty by obtaining rigorous information about their environment.

Our values

Honesty, responsibility, reliability, ethics, independence, quality, strategic vision, customer orientation, compliance with schedules, these are some of our values, but we highlight 3.


"Beyond data and statistics, our studies have to give an answer to the questions that the clients ask themselves. We are committed to providing key information for the decision-making process.”


Innovation is inherent to our way of being and acting. Each project is an opportunity to innovate and use new tools and technologies: analysis of social networks, mobile, ethnography, neuromarketing…” 


“Do things in a systematic way, minimizing risks and errors. Devote resources to the designing of projects in order to optimally approach the project. Establish as a guide the goals and questions of our client. Accomplish these goals... This is method.”


Created on 1991, as a social research team led by Mercè Chiapella, Ceres has been consolidated as a company known and recognised for its good work.

All these years of experience have enabled us to work with many customers of the public sector, from city councils to regional administrations, departments or ministries; and from the private sector, from entrepreneurs to large multinationals, adapting to the needs and requirements of each of them.

As has happened in many companies, the economic crisis and the technological and social changes have led us to take risky decisions, but these changes have also made us stronger, more adapted, more resilient. We continue with the same hopes and ambitious goals from before.

Willing to deal with new challenges and give answers wherever there are questions.


Some of our most important clients


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